Another Day . . .

Another Dollar. Or so the saying goes in US. But here in Ghana, we like to shake things up a bit. A more accurate proverb would be, “Another day, another marriage proposal.”

Walking home from Rabbi Sam Junction, I was stopped by Ema (my phone credit guy) and a trio of his buddies. After exchanging the usual greetings with Ema, one of his friends grabbed my attention.

“Obruni, what is your name?” I introduced myself to Kwame, an adorable older man with a lazy eye and ears that stuck straight out from the sides of his head.

“Oh, fine! I want to marry you.” Then he spit – unnecessarily close to my feet, in my humble opinion – took my hand and kissed the back of it, and then raised his hand for me to kiss.

As for me, I did not do.

But I did thank him for the proposal with a (mostly) straight face before making good on my escape.

In Ghana, there’s no such thing as “too old.”

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